Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

congrates to them

sume da pnt stdy 3 thn..
da la stdy jauh hulu..kLo x dpt dgree x ao la nk ckp..
pape pn..cngrates la guys sbb dpt smbg dgree..
aq da mcm counselor azie da x hbs2 cl than bg nasihat..
sape kate aq x bhati perot..:P
pas ni ley sambung huhahuaha kat SA lak..
msg2 nw ngah sbok stle kn yuran n beli brg2 nk masuk..
2nd july ni start reg..sume jd junior balik hah..
n x saba nk tgk mke dk2 transport yg terbaru...
p/s: kwn sampai mati kot...

mcm2 care mereka wat juz utk smbung dgree..
1- mmg da dpt *bdk bijak pndai*
2- try wat rayuan x kesah la UPU ke pe jadah..jnji rayuan..
3-calling2 UiTM smpai x dlayan..
4-tnye pndapat memb2 yg da dpt..*ko tao aq ckp sal ko*huuhuhu
5-da desperate sgt smpai pakai org dlm..
6- kalo da otak gle men masuk je ikut suke..stdy snyap2..haha

jnji dpt kn babe..de yg dpt kat arau,klantan, mlake, SA...
mcm2 tmpat..
tp korg jgn lpe clearance..
kalo x , cnfrm ko x dpt graduate dip kang..
pape pn congrates to them..
hppy reg dis friday!


  1. thanks tuti!
    ey,ko pnah bercita2 utk jd cnselor ke?haha.
    btw,kt blog aku pn ade nme ko taw.
    komen ar komen ar.

  2. hahaha..
    x ley blh..
    counselor berhemah kot..
